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Sat Jun 3, 2023
DBATools is an open-source, free, community-driven PowerShell module that effectively helps the DBAs manage and automate different SQL Server tasks.
The dbatools module is designed to simplify the management of SQL Server instances, databases, and other related components. It offers a wide range of functionalities, including backup and restore, migration, scripting, performance monitoring, and more. The module can be installed on any machine that runs PowerShell, which means that you can use it on your local computer or a remote server.
One of the key features of dbatools is its ability to automate repetitive tasks. For example, if you need to create a new SQL Server instance, you can use the New-DbaInstance cmdlet, which will automate the entire process. You can also use dbatools to migrate databases from one server to another, without manually backing up and restoring each database.
The module also includes a range of tools for monitoring and optimizing SQL Server performance. For example, the Get-DbaWaitStats cmdlet allows you to view detailed information about SQL Server wait statistics, which can help you identify performance bottlenecks. The Get-DbaLastBackup cmdlet can be used to quickly view information about the last backup of each database on a server.
Dbatools also includes a number of cmdlets for backup and restore operations. For example, the Backup-DbaDatabase cmdlet can be used to backup a SQL Server database to a file or a network share. The Restore-DbaDatabase cmdlet can be used to restore a database from a backup file.
The stairway series emphasizes the usage of dbatools with detailed practical examples, covering a wide range of functionalities, including but not limited to the ones mentioned below.
SQL Server Installation
Patching SQL Server
Backup database(s)
Restore database(s)
Collecting different details related to SQL Server Instances and objects
Replication automation
Database Migration
Managing Logins and Logins
Linked Server Management
Orphaned User Fix
Mount\Unmount Database
Several ways are there to install dbatools.
Install-Module -Name dbatools
This will download and install the latest version of dbatools from the PowerShell Gallery. You need an internet connectivity from the workstation you are running this command.
choco install dbatools --version=1.1.130choco install dbatools
This will download and install the latest version of dbatools from the Chocolatey repository.
d. Run the following command in PowerShell to import the dbatools module:
Import-Module .\dbatools-master\dbatools.psd1
This article of the Stairway series provides a walkthrough for installing dbatools using PowerShell Gallery.
Open Powershell ISE using Run as Administrator
Run the below command
Install-Module -Name dbatools
You might encounter the below error while running the above command.
The reason is that the PSGallery Repository is not trusted for your workstation. You can check this by running the Get-PSRepository in powershell as follows which shows the Installation policy as Untrusted.
Below command can be executed to make the repository trusted.
Now the Get-PSRepository commanlet returns the repostiory as trusted as follows.
Now try running the Install-Module command again and can see the installation come out successful as follows.
Now you need to import the dbatools module to start using it. For that we need to execute the below commandlet.
Import-Module -Name dbatools
Run the get-module commandlet to confirm the proper installation of dbatools.
Get-Module -Name dbatools
You can also verify the module installation by checking if the dbatools folder got created in the below location
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
If you need to remove the dbatools module from the current session, you need to run the below command in powershell ISE, but it does not uninstall it from the system. This means that the module is still installed on the computer, and you can import it again in a new session.
Remove-Module -Name dbatools
Verify using get-module commandlet to see if the module got removed from the system as follows. The output will show empty if the module is not loaded in the session.
Uninstall-Module , removes the module from the system, which means that it uninstalls the module files from your computer, and you will not be able to import or use the module again in any PowerShell session until it is reinstalled.
Uninstall-Module -Name dbatools
Verify the folder named dbatools got removed from the below folder after execution of the Uninstall-Module commandlet as shown in the below screenshot.
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
This article introduces dbatools, a PowerShell module that helps automate SQL Server-related tasks. It explains how to install dbatools using the PowerShell Gallery and highlights some of its key features. The article aims to provide an easy-to-follow guide for those interested in using dbatools for SQL Server administration. In the next Stairway article, we will discuss on installing dbatools manually on a system.